Dear Friends,

On Veterans Day we pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served our nation in uniform, honoring those in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, and National Guard. Their service has been characterized by selflessness and a sense of greater purpose. And for making that choice, we are eternally grateful.

We must also take a moment to recognize that when a service member joins the military, it’s a family commitment to our country.  For each deployed service member, there are often family members here at home supporting them. Whatever accolades we bestow upon our service members and veterans, let us always remember to also bestow upon their families. America owes each of them a debt of gratitude.

I am so proud of our military men and women in Idaho.  And I am humbled by the opportunity they provide us to live peacefully in the greatest country in the world. May we remember our veterans not just on Veterans Day, but every day.

On another note, I’d like to share one of the best parts about being the Attorney General; the opportunity I have to meet with youth organizations, schools, and groups that are dedicated to the growth and development of children.  The individuals associated with these groups are comprised of very dedicated teachers and administrators, as well as very bright, intelligent, and inspiring kids.  Last week I was visited by the African Children’s Choir from Uganda. The Choir was made up of 20 boys and girls from the ages of 7 to 10. They sang a beautiful rendition of “May the Lord Bless You,” and sounded like a choir of angels.  It was such a blessing to have them visit and sing for me, and to see how happy they were to be here, sharing their gift of song and love of God.

Best regards,