Dear Friends,

Christmas is almost upon us.  With that comes the hustle and bustle of the season – the frantic shopping, the wrapping, the decorating, the baking and cooking, the social gatherings, and all the happy, exhausting obligations we place on ourselves in celebration.

However, for many families and individuals, there isn’t money for frantic shopping. Maybe health concerns have dampened celebration, or grief from recent loss is still painful.  Often, families are remembering their sons and daughters stationed overseas far from hearth and home, or maybe a parent is having to pick up an extra shift on Christmas morning just to make ends meet. Sometimes the joys of Christmas can seem out of reach.

But as many of the protagonists from our classic holiday movies learn, perhaps Christmas means a little bit more than just presents and earthly possessions.  The true meaning of Christmas is the gift of love, hope, and joy.

This is the original promise of Christmas…a gift to the entire world.  Not only for those who have plenty, but for those who desperately need the hope and peace found in the Christmas Story.  That hope is restored every year as we are all reminded of the best gift ever given – God’s unconditional love for us.  No fancy ribbons or bows. No ornate boxes. No magnificent feast, or beautiful decorations. Just a baby in a manger, with no room at the inn.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a chance to spend time with those you love, and with those who need love. Reflecting the original gift of Christmas is the very best present we can give to one another.

Best regards,